Skilled Counsel for Obtaining the Best Possible Outcomes for Alimony in Connecticut

Offering trusted guidance through complex alimony issues

As you go through a divorce, you may need to address the issue of whether one spouse should provide financial support through alimony, also called spousal support. This can be a difficult process, and the amount of alimony one spouse needs to pay is dependent on a number of factors. To ensure that you get the most out of the process, work with an experienced alimony lawyer at The O’Neil Law Firm in Hartford, CT. We carefully guide you through the complexities of the law governing spousal support so you know what to expect as you work through your divorce.

Know the issues affecting the amount of alimony you may receive

The amount of spousal support you receive or pay can significantly impact your financial health well into the future. The following are factors that may impact your alimony agreement:

  • Current income. One of the first factors considered in this process is the amount of money each spouse earns. If one makes significantly more than the other, that party may be required to pay alimony.
  • Income potential. Due to decisions you made as a couple over the years, one spouse may have achieved higher levels of education and employment than the other.
  • Age. If one of the parties going through a divorce is of an advanced age that impacts the ability to find gainful employment, the other spouse may need to help support that person financially.
  • Length of marriage. Generally, marriages that have lasted for many years result in one spouse needing to pay alimony to the other. However, even marriages that only last a few years may be subject to a spousal support agreement.

Choose an alimony lawyer who fights for everything you deserve

When you work with a respected family attorney in Hartford, you immediately begin to notice the high level of personal attention you receive. Issues of alimony often come with many questions from our clients, and we’re prepared to give you the guidance you need to proceed in confidence.

Schedule an appointment with a tough alimony lawyer today

For strong representation in your divorce case, work with the attentive team at The O’Neil Law Firm. Our office is conveniently located near the Hartford courthouse and open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. For a free initial consultation, call us today at 866-418-7593 or contact us online.